The boy in this photo is Todd Brown. On February 5th, 2010, 14-year-old Hammad Memon shot 14-year-old Todd, who was walking down a hallway during class change, in the back of the head. Brown died soon after he was shot. No clear motive was ever established.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Remembering Todd Brown
The boy in this photo is Todd Brown. On February 5th, 2010, 14-year-old Hammad Memon shot 14-year-old Todd, who was walking down a hallway during class change, in the back of the head. Brown died soon after he was shot. No clear motive was ever established.

Thursday, February 2, 2023
Aftermath of what school shooting victims have to live with
On January 14, 2014, two students were injured by a shotgun blast in the gymnasium of their middle school by a 12-year-old shooter. The photo to the left is of X-rays of the 12-year-old male victim. Sometimes we need visual reminders that after shootings happen, it isn't over for the victims. In addition to the mental scars that are invisible to the rest of us, there are physical scars. And there is often long term internal damage that will be with victims for the rest of their lives. In the X-ray, you can see over 1000 pellets left in his body. They are too numerous, and too deep, to be removed. Lead poisoning will be a lifelong threat. His blood is tested every six months to check his lead levels.
In addition to the pellets that remain in his body, he was immediately blinded in his left eye, and needs yearly Lasik surgery on his right eye to try to keep the little vision that he does have.
Nathanial Tavares tells a bit about his experience here: Nathaniel Tavarez
The shooter planned the shooting and brought the modified shotgun to school in a duffle bag. It was reported that the shooter developed scoliosis and possibly some other health concerns and that his parents were suing CYFD because they felt their son had been rehabilitated after 4 years and wanted him released...yet his victims will never be released from their on-going mental and physical pain and medical treatments that their son caused,
The shooter was sentenced to juvenile detention until age 21.
School shooting victims are left paralyzed, scarred, blind, with the possibility of long term lead poisoning, PTSD, and numerous other effects that keep them from enjoying a healthier, more productive life. If this doesn't wake gun owners up to their responsibility to secure their firearms, I don't know what will. More unenforced laws don't seem to be working--an unenforced law is no law at all. All the laws can do is add extra charges after an incident--gun owners must do better!
And schools must do better at keeping guns out of their schools...the shooter in this post brought in a "modified shotgun" in a duffle bag--just like the Parkland shooter and several other school shooters have done.

Studies on various aspects of school shootings and school violence PART FIVE
I often hear "The government has done no studies on school shootings in over 2 decades!!!" Why wait for the government? "The...
The girl in this photo was 6-year-old Kayla Rolland. Kayla was shot and killed in her elementary school in February 2000--almost 23 years ...
Twenty-five years ago, March 24, 1998, two of the youngest mass shooters--11 and 13 years old-- committed a sniper-style rampage on their sc...
SOME of the dozens of books I use in my research... Well, this isn't the post that I had planned for today, but it is a necessary on...