Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Making school threats in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Making a threat against a school or persons is a crime in the Commonwealth of Virginia; it would be good for parents and school personnel to look up the laws in their states, and make certain that their children and the students in their school know what the consequences could be; again, because school threats are no joke!

A portion of the Virginia law; more info at the link.

"2. Any person who communicates a threat, in a writing, including an electronically transmitted communication producing a visual or electronic message, to kill or do bodily harm, (i) on the grounds or premises of any elementary, middle or secondary school property, (ii) at any elementary, middle or secondary school-sponsored event or (iii) on a school bus to any person or persons, regardless of whether the person who is the object of the threat actually receives the threat, and the threat would place the person who is the object of the threat in reasonable apprehension of death or bodily harm, is guilty of a Class 6 felony."

Code of Virginia

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