At times I hear "You should write a book!" But there are dozens of books out there already that few seem interested in picking up to read. I go back and forth--no, not gonna do it. Maybe I will. Maybe I won't.
After researching school shootings for over two decades and having amassed so much material, I figure I might as well. At least I'll get it out of my system and then turn my attention elsewhere. And I'll likely donate the materials to a school or a parent group, if we can get enough interest in starting one locally, once I'm done with the book.
I do feel I have a slant that I don't often see in the book that I'm writing, and that is what past school shootings and school shooters can teach us to help prevent future school shootings. Things schools, community, parents, everyone, really, can do. And best of all, many of the important things are low cost/no cost!
I hear a lot of calls for metal detectors. That's usually a knee jerk reaction after a school shooting but people generally fail to think it through, so I'll have a lot on that in the book, and will share some info on this blog as well.
One thing I've read that in order to not void the warranty on school metal detectors, the entire first floor windows of the school need to be permanently sealed. That may be against Fire Code regulations so that would be something to discuss with the local Fire Marshal. Speaking of fire--in the event of a fire and no windows are available to use as an exit, that could be a disaster.
There was a gun incident in Erie, Pennsylvania recently and I took note of this in an article:
If those windows had been sealed, how would the students have escaped?
That's just for starters; there is a lot to be thought about and discussed between schools, parents, law enforcement, and fire officials. I am neither for or against metal detectors. I am, however, for informed parents, students, and staff. Know what is involved.
Content copyright © J Clark 2022. Please seek permission to use material from this blog.
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